Friday, August 7, 2009

Look Who's New in the Office

We have two new missionaries and they are a permanent companionship.  Please welcome to the Spain Bilbao Mission  Delwyn and Florence Belnap from Glendale, Arizona.  We are so excited to have them here with us.  They are going to be working in the office and around the mission.  They are so delightful and they have come ready to work.  The missionaries are excited because her cinnamon rolls are legendary!! (I am exited too to have some help feeding the army once in a while)
On the first day that they arrived they came with us to the mission office to check out their new digs.  Hermana Belnap loved her desk and sure looks like she is at home, ready to go to work.
Elder Belnap, on the other hand, seemed to be a little nervous about what to do on the computer.  Actually, he has been a computer programmer and we could tell he will be very useful.  He will also have the responsibility of the pisos, a very big task to manage.  But nevertheless, the office does have a light side.
Elder Strickland seems to have a smile on his face.  Is there someone new on the other side of his office?
Now that elder looks comfortable.  Could that be Elder Anderson from Olive Branch, Mississippi?  He seems to have taken over for Elder Barber.
"What is going on here?" exclaims Elder Barber.  "We need to get to work."
Yes, yes, order is restored.  Actually, these Elders are always working.  They took a minute break to pose for some photos for Hermana Clegg.  They do have great senses of humor, but they are also hard working and trustworthy.  Elder Barber will be training Elder Anderson thru  the next transfer cycle.  Then we will be saying good-bye to Elder Barber.  We are so excited to get our couple in the office, this will greatly assist these Elders and give them more time for their missionary work in the field. 


  1. I love your mission blog! Thanks for loving, welcoming and taking care of my parents - the Belnap's! They love being there and tell us you have been a great help.

  2. How fun to see the Belnaps in action!

  3. yeah! fun! My sister Danette found this blog, those Belnap's are our parents! so fun to see them where they are!

  4. This is awesome to see all these photo's. What a great mission. We love you Delwyn and Flow...

  5. Hey! I know the Belnap's! I was in their ward in Glendale while attending Thunderbird back in 2002. You will have to let them know the Shaun & Mindy McKnight family said "hello"! They will remember us with our two cute little 2-yr old identical twin girls... Brooklyn & Bailey, who would always run back in church to sit with Bill and Debbie Colebeck! The Belnap's are a wonderful family!

    I served my mission in Spain, Bilbao from 1993-95. Back then, there were no wards nor free-standing capillas. I was a zone leader in Vitoria for five months in 1994 and I remember passing by that "Church-owned" land every day... imagining what that capilla would look like! It sure made us work harder knowing that our efforts could help in bringing to fruition that goal. Vitoria was the hottest zone in the mission at that time, in terms of animo and conversions, and it brings a tear to my eye to see that the capilla was built and that Vitoria is the location for the new stake!

    Thanks for keeping this blog, I am glad to hear all of this wonderful news!

    (Elder) Shaun McKnight '92-95
