Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Show, South America Style

Today was a great day. We received two wonderful new missionaries. Both of them are from Barcelona but Elder Saune is from Peru and Elder Zamora is from Bolivia. Both of them had a lot to talk to the Presidente about. It is amazing how much you have such an immediate love for the new missionaries and these are no exception. They look great and are ready to go to work.
Oh "Ye Elders of Israel", what a joy to have them in the fold. Just such a great looking group I just had to get this shot.
We have to have our group shot. These are great Elders. The spirit they brought into the mission home was fantastic. They have so much enthusiasm. Receiving new missionaries is really one of the best of days. We love it. Elder Zamora is next to Presidente Clegg and Elder Saune is next to me.
The orientation was fantastic, probably one of the best. Here is the time that the assignments and trainers are going to be announced.
Elder Zamora seems to be saying, "Hey, is that my trainer?" I know they are very nervous and are hoping for someone they will love and who will train them well. This is such an important part of missionary work.
They show him the picture of his companion. It is Elder Stevens. Some of you might wonder why the companion isn't there. Well, Elder Stevens is 12 hours away by train. Elder Zamora will leave the next day to get to his companion. Elder Saune only has to take a 5 hour bus ride to get to his companion. Elder Zamora is going to Ferrol and Elder Saune is going to Oviedo and his companion is Elder Castellon.
Small miracles happen every day. Today was a rainy day, but for only about 5 minutes, the clouds lifted and we could see Bilbao. Then, as quickly as they lifted, they came down. It didn't dampen our spirits as the moment of commencing their mission is now!
Umbrellas and all, I think we can still see the smiles of joy and excitement. This is also a special time as this will be the last show Elder Moore will be a part of. He is moving next transfer, but where? Only the Presidente knows, and he isn't telling anyone yet!

1 comment:

  1. It's bitter sweet to see these final pictures of Elder Moore in the capacity of AP and having the blessing of receiving the new missionaries and helping get them oriented. "There's a time and season" to every part of our lives. It will be great for all to have him back in the field 24/7 and with new assignments and responsibilities. From my perspective, all that much closer to having this elder return with honor.
